ARSI Service undertakes the complete electric and electronic designation of new cranes, delivering them ready for operation.
Aiming to increase the productivity of the crane as well as to reduce the electrical / mechanical wear and stresses, we undertake the full modernization of the old cranes, intervening in the following points:
- Conversion of the old “slip-ring” motors to inductive
motors removing the slip rings, or replacement with new AC inductive motors. With this way the speed regulation
is done through AC drives, achieving smooth operation.
The brakes are energized after the motor has stopped,
ensuring long life to the brakes and mechanical parts.
- Replacement of convensional automation with
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
- Simplification of control signals, between central
automation (PLC) and motion control (AC / DC Variable
Speed Drives), using “BUS technology” like Modbus,
Profibus, Canbus, Interbus, depending on the customer
needs. The number of the required control cables is
reduced dramatically.
- Replacement / modernization of the existing electrical
distribution or control panels.
- Installation of Crane Management System (CMS), where
the operator can see:
• Τρέχον σφάλμα ( Α/Α, Ημερομηνία, Περιγραφή,
Κωδικός σχεδίου, κλπ.)
• Ιστορικό σφαλμάτων
• Κατάσταση οριακών διακοπτών / αλληλομανδαλώσεων
• Κατάσταση εισόδων / εξόδων
• Ταχύτητες, ρεύματα κινητήρων
• Ώρες λειτουργίας κινήσεων
• Απαιτήσεις συντήρησης γερανού
Το CMS βοηθάει, ώστε ο χρόνος εντοπισμού σφάλματος να μειώνεται στο ελάχιστο, αλλά επίσης συμβάλλει στο σωστό προγραμματισμό της ηλεκτρολογικής και μηχανολογικής συντήρησης.
ARSI Service undertakes the complete electric and electronic designation of new cranes, delivering them ready for operation.
Aiming to increase the productivity of the crane as well as to reduce the electrical / mechanical wear and stresses, we undertake the Electrical Equipment Modernization on old Port Cranes (STS container cranes, RMG’s, RTG’s, Slewing Jib cranes), including:
• Electrical design
• Standard Software Modules for Cranes
• Installation of Crane Management System (CMS) where
the operator can see:
- Current fault (Sequence Number, Date, Time,
Description, Relevant Drawing, etc.)
- Fault histrory
- State of limit switches / interlocks
- State of inputs / outputs
- Motor speeds, currents or any other analog variable
- Running time of the motions
- Maintenance information for the crane. The CMS
contributes to minimize the time for finding faults
and the proper planning of electrical and mechanical
• TeleService (via Internet) commissioning /
parameterization of drives
• TeleService (via Internet) support and trouble
shooting/fault tracing and repair
• Replacement of old conventional electric automation
by PLC
• Conversion of old slip ring motors to inductive motors,
driven through modern AC drives
• Simplification of old conventional signals network by
modern of “BUS” technology
• Modernization of electric switchboards and control
• Weight indication and Overload Protection Systems,
with a vast optional variety of sensors
• Preventive & Corrective Maintenance
Applicable on different brands of electrics:
Siemens, Converteam, ABB, Schneider, etc.